Saturday, April 14, 2012

Should people color their hair, or leave natural?? If so blonde or brown?

I think people should do what makes them feel attractive, happy.. whatever.. Go with what shade flatters you the most..

Should people color their hair, or leave natural?? If so blonde or brown?

if you want to color, go ahead.

Should people color their hair, or leave natural?? If so blonde or brown?

keep it natural!

Should people color their hair, or leave natural?? If so blonde or brown?

leave it be

Should people color their hair, or leave natural?? If so blonde or brown?

I can't when brunettes decided to change their hair color blonde.And the other way around.

Should people color their hair, or leave natural?? If so blonde or brown?

that's up to each individual

Should people color their hair, or leave natural?? If so blonde or brown?

If you color, pick the blonde. If you are female.

Black, if you are male.

If you get old, like me, DEFINITELY color your hair. Grey and white makes you look 20 years OLDER.

Should people color their hair, or leave natural?? If so blonde or brown?

I dont care what other people do with their hair all I know is if I didnt color my hair I would be totaly gray and I am only 29! I have had it since I was 12 so I have to color it :) And I have been every color no joke!

Should people color their hair, or leave natural?? If so blonde or brown?

That question is best left for the people who care what others say about them. If you are asking me just go with what you like best.......but honestly..I prefer brown so people dont think you need their help or think you are stupid.

Should people color their hair, or leave natural?? If so blonde or brown?

I don't care......I have before..but not in a long time....I used to die it black........and pink once....

Should people color their hair, or leave natural?? If so blonde or brown?

color it..

Should people color their hair, or leave natural?? If so blonde or brown?

They should do whatever they want with their hair.

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